2024 Animation Reel


Tales from the Trip: Sara Weinshenk’s Boob Came Out While on Acid

This is probably one of my favorite scenes in the episode. I enjoy mixing cell animation with after effects compositing tricks.


Tales From the Trip: Fat Tony

Often times I try to make shots in an animation reel feel like one continuous piece. Using this slime transition I did brings me back to the days when I watched old school nickelodeon cartoons.


Good Morning America: Valentines Day Deals and Steals Promo

Holidays are my favorite times to work on a GMA Promo. There’s usually a lot of creative freedom, although the nature of working in broadcast gives me about 3-4 hours to work on these before they have to be ready for air.


Tales From the Trip: Duncan Trussell

This shot was definitely inspired by Futurama’s hypno-toad. Often times to create a fun background I’ll take a piece of art work I’ve done and apply a kaleidoscope effect in After Effects. The results can be really fun!


American Portraiture:


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Greater than fear