Greater than Fear

I absolutely love collaborating with brilliant designers and videographers. This project was created for Color of change and was commissioned by Militia Design. We wanted to use an aesthetic that would really feel dark and gritty.


Newspaper Layout

I wanted to design an aesthetic approach to visualize the news. This segment showcases the headline stories involving hi profile police shootings


Infographic Scene

My approach to data visualization is informed by my practice as an Art instructor. Most people are visual learners, and using dynamic charts and pictographs helps carry the overall narrative of the piece. The old saying a picture is worth a thousand words rings true in info graphic design.


Jailed people walk cycle

For this segment I introduced more traditional animation to give the piece an organic feel.  I illustrated a hand drawn walking cycle of jailed people in Adobe animate. Then I duplicated, changed details like hairstyles, and color corrected the assets. This is the resulting composite.


2024 Animation Reel


Blank on Blank