Blank on Blank (Steve Shirley)

I’m so proud to have gotten a chance to animate for PBS’ Blank on Blank series. This was a doozy of a project, with a production time of almost 2 months and a total runtime of just over 6 minutes! I love learning and sharing the stories of inspirational people in history.


Kinder-Transport Animation

Stephanie Shirley and her sister were part of a rescue effort to bring thousands of refugee children from Nazi Germany to Great Britain. This effort most likely saved her life.


Golden Ratio

I wanted to link the passing of time with Stephanie’s interest in mathematics. Design this transition was a lot of fun. I’m a math geek at heart, so I loved animating the golden ratio.


Lip-Sync Scene

Because this animation had a run time of almost 6 minutes, one technique I used to have engaging visuals throughout it was to have some of the scenes draw on, as well as Illustrate and animate Stephanie talking directly to the audience.


Greater than fear
