This video was an internal HR video to explain the companies new onboarding process. We wanted to implement both 3D and 2D designs to create a fluid and clean product to explain the companies new system.


3D and 2D composite

Integrating 2D and 3D animation is something I’ve always wanted to do. To accomplish this I decided to render 3D components out with an isometric perspective.

Employee Run Cycle

Looping run cycles were drawn and animated in adobe animate. It was important that every asset be on a loop.

Employee Walk Cycle

I was inspired by the sims for this project, and wanted to implement a style with minimal outlines.

3D mesh in Cinema 4D

This project had a tight deadline, so it was important to keep the 3D elements simple so that it could be rendered quickly.


Blank on Blank


Tales From the Trip Shane Mauss