5 Step Guide to Slam Poetry

This project was a collaboration between the talented spoken word artist and educator Gayle Danley and the TED Ed team. Visuals were done by myself and my animation mentor Jeremiah Dickey. This was one of my favorite rotoscoped animations I worked on at TED Ed. The concept was to have 2 distinct styles of animation. The style I worked on was the rotoscoped part that represents the real world Tyson inhabits. The second style is more stylistic, it represents the world of Tysons memories. Jeremiah Dickey worked on those sections and towards the end we merged both styles to show Tyson’s self actualization.


Desk Comp Scene

This scene is actually made up of 4 of my coworkers including myself in the middle. It was shot on a go-pro camera to give it the fish eye look, then I combined all the footage and referenced it for this rotoscoped section.

Writing Scene

This was one of my first animations using the French animation software TV Paint. It has a lot of great digital brushes that really give natural looking pencil and charcoal texture to my drawings.

Final Scene

This scene represents Tyson overcoming his writers block and pushing through his mental and physical barriers to create a beautiful poem.


Tales From the Trip Akilah Hughes


Gravity and the Human Body