Gravity and the Human Body

This was a TED Ed lesson written by Jay Buckey and directed by Biljana Labovic. Visuals and character animation was done by Godfrey Hibbert, Lisa LaBracio, and Celeste Lai.


Concept Art

The art for this animation was designed by painting 5 panels and combining them together in after effects to create a 2.5 D environment.

Mission Control Scene

Upon listening to the script for this animation we decided a non linear approach would be best. Creating a space ship with various screens to move to allowed us to create a clear metaphor for this type of story telling.

Space Ship Landing

Digital paintings for this animation were created in Adobe Photoshop. The character was animated using an Inverse Kinematic puppet system with DUIK in After Effects,

Ice Skater Scene

This scene incorporates DUIK for character animation, as well as using the puppet pin tool to animate components like the fluttering scarf on the ice skater.


5 Step Guide to Slam Poetry


The ABC's of New Orleans